second blog post, the ache draws on

it has been a long and brutal winter, a tumultuous spring, and summer approaches with the worst weather of all time. muggy hellhole, this is. climate change brings with it wildfires and tornadoes and in my lifetime tornadic wildfires. there is no hope. and yet, we make websites.

i want to believe there is good here, genuinely. i've seen glimpses of it! in encampments and their hammer wielding 20-somethings, fed up with the state and the state of the world. i tried my hand in that with no luck -- opportunists and charlatans abound. bootlickers afraid of conflict. too bad, there's other shit to wreck.

in other news, i've been waiting for the elden ring DLC. big fan of the crucible, always have been. was at her debut at the beginning of measurable time etc. happy to see her thriving in the shadow realm

can only imagine good things will arise from this game. it's the only thing keeping me going at this point. just til june 21st. just til june 21st. just til --