who are you?

you can refer to me as the think tank. here's a list of things i like. i am passionate about making whatever the hell i want and encouraging others to do the same.
MuCN#[o]/[a]/[*]A(b- r---!/+++!!)S.H+/Bd/Br+/B+/S+*/"robot"OsWe/c/d-Cc-OF++Pspi!/mag!/obe+!/pre!Ffok^+/ast/divT--Ja/soC+++So++(what the fresh hell is this?)

what is this place?

this is my website. here i will post some of my art, writing, and thoughts -- as well as resources and other things i find cool. eventually i would like this site to entirely replace my social media presences, but we're a ways away from that goal.

your website is cool and you seem cool/this place sucks and i want to complain about it. where can i reach you?

currently i have an email and my tumblr. i have a discord too but if you want that you have to prove your normalcy to me through conversation.